========================== HOW TO TRANSLATE VCDEasy ========================== The Language text file (VCDEasy_XX.lng) has 3 parts: ====================== [Language] Language=XXXXXXXX LanguageExt=xx where XXXXXXXX is the language name and xx is the language short code (this short code is also used in the name of the language file) ====================== [Translations] On the left part, you have the name of variables I use in the code, you must not change them. On the right part, the english translation... this is what you need to replace. ====================== [messages] In the section, there are English sentences on the left part that need to be translated on the rigth part. NB: I let the French 'sentences' on the right part just as example for the ^,&&,"%s"... usage. ====================== COMMENTS ====================== When there is somewhere on the left part a %s, you must also put it somewhere on the rigth part... it will be replaced at runtime by a name or a string. If you comment a line, or if the left part of a line (which should not be changed) is changed, English will be display as default. The language file will change as I continue coding, but each time I will change something, I will keep trace of the changes... Do not hesitate to contact me for questions (for example when out of its context, some words/sentences may be dificult to translate), or if you need me to change the size of something on the GUI (when possible...) delphi.stuff